Stupid question

Yes, I am very proud of her. She has been raising two boys without dad for the last 18 months in Germany. That's where they where when her Husband got deployed. As far as the marriage, I'm not sure. I only get one side and it's hard to not be partial to my daughter. They are young and in a tough spot right now. I just don't know what to tell my daughter. She says her husband doesn't treat her very well. No abuse or such. I know my daughter and she is definately wearing the pants:) Poor guy, I've seen her treat him worse than a drill instructor would. Sorry for rambling......I guess my biggest fear is them splitting up and her visit may become more permanent:) She has already hinted at not wanting to go back to Germany and maybe staying longer but I don't know what that means to the marriage. I hope everything works out. He is coming home in June for R&R so I guess I'll see then.