Stupid question

360samp, sorry for hijacking your post......I should have started another one.

The grandkids, well, three of them were just hanging out in the Dart last night. I didn't get any pics though. They roll the windows down and and just have a good time trying to figure out the lap belts and climbing from the front to back seats. It was my two year old grandaughters first time in the dart. She didn't want nothing to do with anyone but "papa" for the rest of the night.

I will make sure my son-in-law knows that you guys want to thank him for what he is doing. That's the hard part for me. He is over there risking everything he has and my daughter just doesn't seem to be in the right frame of mind when it comes to that. I sure hope things workout.

funny yellowdart:) yeah, she got my temper though. That's why we were always butting heads when she was a teenager.