I'm a famous rock star....in my head LOL!

My Wife snuck some video of me and my daughter's boyfriend's brother jammin out and put it on youtube.
He's a member here (71showdart).

I wish I would not have drunk those beers since I can't play for crap when I down a few.

I just taught the boy how to master a simple blues riff and once he got it down and got bored with it, I plugged in and showed him how good he will sound with an accompanying lead.

I know, I'm not perfect but I can't read a note of music and can't even name what string is what.
I can't even name the chords I play, so don't be too hard on me.

I'm the old guy. LOL!

Be nice, those are my daughters in the background, underage, teenage daughter's ehem....

Now if I can get Andrew to learn how to end a song, it will be good, see me looking over at him like "Are you gonna end this?" LOL!
