I'm a famous rock star....in my head LOL!

Thanks y'all.

Way too kind, I wish I could get some lessons, but I don't even have the patience to read tablature from the rock magazines!!!

I was really close with my oldest two brothers when I was a teen, and my oldest bro Ron, was always drumming in the basement with different bands throughout highschool and a couple years after graduating till he went into the Army.
I would pick up some of the guys guitars after things wound down, and they would try to teach me stuff.

I will never forget when I was about 12 years old, there was this really hot female singer there and she offered to kiss me if I picked up the guitar and played something.
I refused due to sheer embarassment, but after constant prodding from the guys, I picked up the Gibson SG and cranked out a not too bad version of Black sabbath's beginning of heaven and hell.

After a large applause, the girl came over and made this big slow approach and kissed me square on the kisser.

You wanna talk about beat red in the face......
Anybody ever get buck fever while deerhunting? well that's how it felt.

I was walking into walls for a couple days after that one. ha, ha.

Anyways, pretty much after that, I never went anywhere without an accoustic guitar.
It sure spiced up keg parties in the middle of the woods on the weekends. LOL!

Seriously, I could be a heck of alot better if I had the patience to actually learn what I was doing, but if I could just sit down with a pro and learn some tricks, that's more my speed.

I'm still trying to find out who my biggest influences are by listening to that video.
So far, I can hear some Fogerty, Hendrix, maybe some Chuck Berry.

Yeah, I need to sit down and learn the Back to the future version of johnny be good.....I love that freaking jam.

Sometimes I can't figure out a song by ear, then one day, I'll sit down with the song in my head and just start playing it and then have it down in ten minutes, and my Wife looks over at me and says "You are in the wrong line of work."
But I still think I suck. ha, ha.