/6...318...or 360???

I am going to throw in for the /6.
They have reasable power, and if TUNED right, excellent mileage.

For power, they are down to a V8. This is a given. But let's give them a reasonable chance in this fight:
  • They are down in displacement, 30% less cubes then a 318, and 42% less then 360.
  • Atrocious compression....Rumored to be around 7.5 to 1 most of the life of the /6
  • terrible head, shrouded valves
  • Freakishly bad intake system
With that in mind, were someone to come out with a stroker, bump compression, do something (Fuel injection) to deal with the intake, and even TOUCH the heads, the /6 is now able to stand in the ring.

My proposal, (and personal plan). The great equalizer (TURBO)

I intend to try to eliminate some of the above strikes against the /6.

Displacement is too expensive to cure.
Compression is perfect for boost, and live on pump gas
Head... will have to wait. Maybe a JY head, for porting, deshroud valves, etc.
Intake system..according to some is better under boost. Solves much of the fuel distribution issues.

So add a vote for the /6. I will keep everyone updated as progress is made. I need to get parts put together, figuring about 500.00 or so, doing most of the work myself.

yet again, Very cool. Let us know what happens...and where you get the turbo from.
