Got it for $50

hey dartcuda those things are nice but if you dont already know let me give you some advice hang some heavy stuff off the framework or its liable to be picked up by the wind and bang into whatever is underneath it. I was out working one day and a fairly healthy wind came up it wasnt a terrible wind but it was a little heavy well anyways the wind picked it up by the tarp and moved it about five feet before me and my dad and a friend ran out and grabbed it before it could go any farther luckly nothing was under it at the time so no big deal but after that we took it down for a little while we still havent put it up yet but when we do we were going to fill up some 5 gal buckets with rock or cement or something heavy and hang it from framework somehow without bending it at the time it picked up and flew off we had about 8-10 milk jugs full of water hanging from it and that wasnt enough so now we have the metal carports serves the same purpose no better or worse than the tarp ones its just all anchored into the ground and cant fly up good luck Justin