Fish out of water.

Well, it's going on a year since I've posted anything about my notch. I've been buying a few parts here and there, but haven't done any work on the car. I pushed it outside today and decided to pressure wash the bottom side and try to clean it up in preparation for fixing the floors. Let me tell you, it was a lot of fun...... :banghead: I didn't get it all done, but made a heck of difference with what I did do. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much. After all, all that gunk and grime has helped keep the rust at bay. I'm still undecided if I want to purchase new floors too, or just make my own patches. I'm leaning heavily towards just making patches, as nobody is ever gonna see it but me, and the carpet will cover it anyways.

After seeing several posts lately about rotiseries, I'm seriously thinking about building one. I'm not planning on a show car restoration, or anything close to it. But it would sure help make some things easier.