Damn header leaks! wtd?

I use MR GASKET if availiable or felpro gaskets,I put a thin coat of red High Temp silicone on them and put 2 gaskets together! Then put a thin layer of the red high temp silicone on the side facing the header only! NOT ON THE HEAD SIDE! bolt them on using a good set of locking bolts,wait about an hour before you crank up th ecar to let the silicone dry real good and you should be OK TO GO WITH NO LEAKS! Remember "THIN COAT" of red High Temp silicone so it does not oooze out all over the place when tightening up.If you do get an ooze out you can trim it with a razor blade after it has dried well! Or you can buy the REALLY GOOD EXPENSIVE GASKETS! I have no use for the copper,and a lot of the other brand of aluminum ones that compress that cost $30.00 and up a set! Just havent had no luck with them! A lot of times the problem is the flange of the header is warped,this happens a lot with thin flanged headers when they are over tightened!