15 min.'s of fame in a sad way

Well, it's a sad way of getting on TV, but, I thought I just toss up a link. I was interviewed by a local TV station and CBS at a crash site. Still in a bit of shock at what I seen right in front of me , maybe, 60 - 70 feet away. The press asked question that were not hard, just a bit blown away I was when I seen it. Had I been a few mph faster, it would have been me.

Wait a min. for the begining bologna.

The mutha fraker that was running from the cops BLASTED this Camry at an easy 70+ MPH. He sold some landscapeing equipment and the stuck on stupid jerk tried to sell it to the guy he stoled it from. The guy called the cops and they came, tried to arrest Mr. Stuck on stupid whom was still trying to sell the equipment. He then decides to run away, into his car, draging the cop.

That cop got up and gave chase. Mr. Stuck on Stupid runs a red light blasting the Camry, T-bone style) so hard he lifts the car up off all 4 wheels and moves it a good 30 feet into the woods. The Camry bounces up and lands sandwhiched between the trees and the Jeep. That hit it again.

The crash sound was so freakin loud and debrise went straight up like projectiles from a explosion. OUI!

Mr. Stuck on Stuipd lives due to an airbag. Arested he was! I alllllmost can't wait to tell my tale to the jury.