Help with College Essay? Taxes!

Here is a simple breakdown, when U.S. currency still didn't exist, the government created a part of the treasury that was not to be owned by nor controlled in full by the government. They created the federal reserve bank union, it is composed of many private owned banks around the United States, many of these owners are not even Americans and they can finance whatever they want, even if it was Hitler who needed money. When money was created the Federal Reserve loaned the money to the government with interest...if the government want to pay that interest, it has to get another loan from them...and so it goes on forever, an ever growing why are we getting taxed? Because if no one pays that interest we will go into inflation...I guess...or something along that line....there really inst not good constitutional law that says we can be taxed to pay off the government's interest fee's...nor probably anything else other than maybe a war...

Google this, it'll be 100 times more precise haha, it's funny how our government works...biggest cover ups ever...but we sure are one hellof a country!