15 min.'s of fame in a sad way

haha yeah it's kinda funny listening to Northerners talk, but then again with our slow drawl talk y'all probably think we are the funny ones lol.
Where I work we used to have a Pharmacist that was from Maryland and the way she talked seemed as though it was a 3rd world country up there,because she didn't have a clue about what we were talking about half the time. She didn't really know what a tornado was, didn't know we had horny toads down here (thought we were lying to her about that one until we googled it haha) Thought we all rode horses and wore cowboy hats, and never heard the term Noodling and thought we were trying to set her up for a joke on that one hahah. OH and also thought we were also pulling her leg saying that we drink out of mason jars at times lol. IDK we all can't be the same I guess lol.