"a1canvas"-don't buy from'em

I emailed these guys the other day asking a very difficult question..."Do you stock copper color carpets for a '67 Dart?". All I got in return were condiscending remarks about how much free time I had to "play around asking questions","check our website and see" , "Do you have a job", and, the latest one,"yes, I have copper...PENNIES!" Well, with customer service like that, it'll be a cold day in H#LL before I buy from them. I guess they're selling enough stuff already and really don't want my money, or they're just so arrogant that loosing a sale doesn't matter to 'em.

Anyway, you decide. If you like their attitude, go ahead and buy, but with so many other companies out there selling the same stuff, I'd go with one the provides some decent customer service.

Here's what I think of them....:bootysha:...:thebirdm:

Disclaimer*** This is just my opinion! (and personal experience)