"a1canvas"-don't buy from'em

dude thats really lame, i know how you feel though, just the other day i walked into the chrysler dealership in my town to talk with my parts guy, but it was pretty late, so i walk up to the side door and go in, and there isnt anybody in site, and my parts guy is gone, and i start wondering if maybe chrysler was closed but perhaps the janitor didnt lock the side door or
something, or whatever, like seriously ghost town chrysler, so i finally see this guy sitting in an office, and i said 'uh hey.. is chrysler still open? or..' and he says really cocky.. 'well this is chrysler isn't it??' and i said 'ya but there isn't anybody in here and i wasn't sure if maybe someone left the door unlocked or something..' and he turns back and says 'well im in here, duh'. like what a dick, no wonder nobody is in there, with assholes like him greeting them. sorry not hacking the thread, your rant just put me in a rant with you mood