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So all of us original members that had the access to the to the secret blue forum now have to pay to access this new gold forum and we lost the blue?

Plus we have to pay $35 for window stickers we paid a hell of a lot less for years ago. Plus pay for special rebates that most of these venders would probably give you a discount anyways if you said you saw there ad here. If you are hurting for money dude, I think it would be better to ask for donations than trying to package bogus features and playing off that its so great.

Ya know I think THAT'S JUST THE TYPE of ATTITUDE we need around here. I am so glad that you feel that way, but for these guys that run an OUTSTANDING site for us without charge for a membership fee or without charge for access to the site, I would think that this is a great way to "compensate" them a little for what they do for us. Yeah, we all wish that love for the hobby alone would pay the bills, but it just doesn't anymore...especially with the rise in pricing all over the nation. The bottom line here is that if you don't like the feature...don't use it, but don't downgrade it because these guys offer these features for $35 bucks a year for access to some cool features that some of us that werent the "originals" didn't get access to before.

I myself think it's a great idea, keep up the GREAT WORK FABO Mods, even if I had to start paying to use the site, I'd still be around.

Thanks FABO, Mike