Be Aware!

Haven't dealt with either of you fellers so i won't be taking sides due to the lack if informtion but the way i try and do sales on parts or cars is like this. A guy called the other day looking for a tranny for the church van. The tranny shop in town sent him to me being the only real mopar ***** in town. He paid me for the tranny (used) and i told him if it didn't work bring it back and get his money. I knew it was running when i pulled it. He did come back looking for a TC which i gave him one. Done deal. When selling a car i will represent it as closely as i am able and will not accept any holding money unless they insist then i will point out any flaws in the car to determine how well they had covered the pictures that i had sent. I do ask them if they got an ok from the wife to spend her money and then and only then it is understood that they are buying the car when they send me a deposit. After one sends a down it is too late to decide if one has the knowledge or ability to tackle a restoration.
Now my questions. Did you see pics of the car and if so did you ask for any more detailed pictures? Keep in mind you were not dealing with the owner. I don't do that. Talk to the owner. Like i said . I've talked to both of you on this site and consider both of you to be stand up guys so i will be anxiously watching this topic. Treat each other like Mopar guys.