Painting Engine Bay!

Started color sanding today.

I started with 1500 grit sandpaper and have not got done yet. Kept the area wet as I sanded and used cris-cross motions in 4" passes. As I sanded I felt the difference in the areas I have sanded and have not. I would hold the shop light at a angle so I could see the surface good and kept sanding until it was all smooth. I could see the difference and understand why the clear needs to be sanded.

There was a run "sag" in the clear that looked pretty bad so I sanded it with 600 grit right on the sag and then sanded with 1500 in the general area until it was gone. Fixed!

The white stuff is dried up clear residue. You can tell by the pictures that the shine has left the building. I hope I can get back. LOL!


