Be Aware!

NOTE: Get a drink because this is going to be a long read:

Back in March, Hemicop contacted me re: the Dart. Note: All of the following exchanges are PMs through FABO (if anyone that has access wants to look through them). The only ones that are direct emails are to his body/paint guy). He was one of several people I was exchanging emails with re: it. Hemicop sent several emails asking about it's condition and and what parts came with it, etc. He also asked for me to email his body/paint (from here on out will be referred to as B/P) guy to send him the pictures. He said he defers to him since he does all of his work. On 3/31, I emailed his B/P guy, introduced myself and told him that Hemicop asked me to contact him re: additional pics. On 4/1, I send him all of the pics he requested. Since I didn't hear back, on 4/3, I email the B/P guy and ask him if there are any other pics he needs. The same day (4/3), he replies back and says, "Thank you thats all I need." Also, on 4/1, I PM'd Hemicop letting him know that I contacted his B/P guy and sent all of the images he requested.

Now prior to this, Hemicop is all ready trying to figure out transportation (either directly to him or to Spring Fling). In order to help, I peruse Mopart's Transport Service section and contact several people about either transporting the Dart to AZ or to Spring Fling. I get ahold of one person that is transporting several exhaust systems for Accurate LTD down to Spring FLing and has an open trailer down. I forgot the exact price but we worked out something in the "$250 range" to transport the car. This guy was just looking for a little fuel relief while driving down there. Anyway, I pass his name and number onto Hemicop. He wanted Hemicop's contact number but I told Hemicop that I didn't want to give out his contact information until I spoke with him about it. I PM'd Hemicop a few times early on asking if he called this guy willing to transport the Dart. I called the transporter after I knew Hemicop was planning on coming up himself to make sure he wasn't waiting on us. He said that he did not hear from him but would now try and get ahold of some others that had contacted him - which he was holding off on because he thought the Dart transport might happen.

On or about 4/3, I receive a PM from Hemicop saying, "I'm figuring on just driving up to you if I can get someone to come along, otherwise I'll see about it getting shipped. When is Spring Fling, anyway? This Saturday isscrewed up for me so I couldn't leave 'til next week anyway."

On 4/4, I reply to his email (before the transaction continues) and wrote:

"Hi xxxx,

If I haven't given you the history on the car, let me do so now. I bought the Dart and a nice rebuilt 360 from a gentleman who had another Dart that was nearing completion and didn't want to go through with this project. I ended up using the 360 in another car of mine and since I am building two other motors for two of my other cars, I decided to part with the Dart. It was disassembled when I received it and I only asked about a few trim pieces that I did not see right off the bat: the fender tip moulding/indicators and the rocker moulding. They were supposedly gone when he got the car. There is quite a bit of the other moulding inside the car. ..."

I have no clue where he gets the "it really wasn't his car anyway" bit (especially after I PM him the history of the car and tell him that I bought it). One would think that an adult would get their facts straight but I know that embellishment and using only specific facts to prove a position is fairly common place and human nature.

Anyway, again on 4/4, I PM him and ask,"Are there any other questions I can answer for you?" to which he replies (on 4/5), "I think you pretty much answered them all. I'm going to call a friend today to see if he can ride up there with me. If not, I'll call the guy to see about getting it at spring Fling. I'll call you today to arrange payment......." The transporting issue kept changing but I am glad I told the other guy to look for another possible load so he wasn't stuck without one.

I also sent a followup PM asking if he could send the deposit with delivery confirmation or some sort of tracking and if he could send me a quick PM letting me know it was sent. On 4/7, I get a PM stating that the $500 deposit was on its way and that he would send me the tracking number later in the afternoon. Now, four days later (4/11), I PM him and ask for the tracking/delivery confirmation number. The same day, I hear back, "I sent it via Priority Mail and they told me there's no tracking number on it." I was getting a little nervous because 4 days had passed since it was sent and it hadn't arrived and there was no tracking number but it was sent Priority. The upshot: It arrived on the 14th and did have a delivery confirmation sticker on it.