Be Aware!

I arrived and he and a friend began looking over the Dart. He then wanted to call the B/P guy again and spent awhile on the phone while looking at the car. All of the parts that were taken off the car were in the trunk area and as they were trying to look in there, I asked if they would like the parts taken out so they could get in here easier. He did so, so I pulled everything out and laid it on their trailer. There was some grumbling about the rust (no holes or cracks just some scale) in the spare tire well. This was shown in the pictures that were sent and I even offered up an immaculate well out of the '68 Dart for free if they wanted it. There was no reply to that offer. After more time passes and several walks away from me to discuss it, I say that I am not going to be offended if you call out any issues in front of me. Hemicop then approaches me and says that he thinks he is going to pass. I absolutely shut down - thinking about all of the time I have wasted and other buyers I have turned away after Hemicop committed to buying the car. I immediately start to load the parts up in the car and clam up. Of course, Hemicop is talking about his deposit and I am frickin' livid! A deposit is not a place holder so the vehicle can be secured until you decide to look at it several weeks later, unless this was agreed upon beforehand. This was not the case! You know, I am still working to support a family. I am not a retired civil servant like Hemicop and do not have all the time in the world to deal with someone else's timeframe and decisions.

When Hemicop stated that "he didn't seem angry or upset through this whole ordeal ...", he couldn't be more wrong. Because I didn't display my anger in a yelling, foot-stomping rage, that doesn't support your claim that I wasn't angry. In this situation, I went right to repacking the car and stopped talking because I was very upset. Honestly, I didn't want to spend any more time on this transaction and was infuriated and wanted to get out of there, drop off the trailer and get back to work.

As for the "I'll think about it" line you mentioned. Please don't use the tactic of suggesting something, translating it yourself and then believing it came out of someone else's mouth. Example: "So, you're going to contact me after Spring Fling?" (in your mind) translates into "I'll contact you after Spring Fling" or "Give it some thought" (again, in your mind) translates into "He'd think about it." An old tactic I have seen before. I do remember you saying something about not wanting to split hairs and at this point, I am not even going to give that anymore thought.

So, after that, I had to figure out what to do and just was completely drained. I didn't have time to get the Cuda ready for the show and wanted to take down the GTX but I just didn't have it in me to unload the Dart once again. It was too late to cancel our plans for the show, so I parked the trailer and Dart back in front of the house from Friday to Monday and just planned on dealing with the neighbors later. On Monday, after getting back from Spring Fling, I took the Dart back to storage which I am paying on it once again. I had to take took time off from work again to do so. Storage in the SF Bay Area is pricey to the tune of $280/mo for a 10x20 enclosed.

I am at a point where I am upside down on the Dart. Yes, I want it gone but I am not going to part it. (Sidenote: I have been into Mopars for awhile (almost 30 years) and the '68 Dart which I decided to part is the first one I have ever parted for myself and I have actually been feeling guilty doing so. But at this stage, I am considering it my Buffalo. I am trying to use every bit from it as not to waste anything.)

Final Thought: Hemicop, you wasted a lot of my time and altered my plans with my family for several weeks. You cost me the sale of the Dart to other interested parties and I am still accruing fees on it as I type. I am still trying to sell it and was contemplating the possibility of sending something back if I had to sell it for less. At this point, after adding up my (and my family's) time, lost wages, fuel and storage fees ... I believe that the costs incurred exceed the $500 deposit. Hemicop acknowleges in his original post, that I do not have to return his deposit due to his breach. However, once the car is sold and transferred, I will reevaluate whether or not the return of any portion of the deposit is warranted.

The Dart is still here if you want it. Although I am incurring additional expenses and you had breached our contract, I am still willing to sell you the car for the original agreed upon price of $1200 by May 31, 2008. It's your call.

To the other FABO members, I am sorry for this being hashed out here but when someone pulls you into a public forum (and one that is of importance to you), you have to respond in a timely and factual fashion (although my objectiveness seems to have been mixed up with some subjective feelings).