Be Aware!

I'm not going to get into a "hesaid/hesaid" argument here. Only he & I know how this really all went down. I have nothing to apoligize for. At worst he keeps my money, which he has anyways. As to it not being your car --- if you recall as you were putting things back in the Dart & we were by my trialer I apologized for taking your time,your comment was "That's okay, it's not my car any way" and you mentioned you had others interseted in it anyway. Your time, which is indeed worth something is also part of doing business, as was my expense to drive there. If you're life is so full that you feel dealing in cars is costing you time away from work and family, logic suggests you put the car thing on hold.
And why you seem to hold the fact I'm retired against me, I have no idea. The delay in (trying) to pick-up the car, I explained to you, was because my sister in N.Y had heart surgery, requiring me to be there. While maybe there were other ways all this could've been handled, the facts are, I didn't know where I was going in your town, you're not the only one with family obligations and other things going on in life, I specified why I was passing on your car, AND I admitted you were entitled to something for your efforts as I recognize all the work it takes to get ready for any car show.
This whole thing is/was a nightmare and I did learn some things from all this. It still doesn't explain or justify no response to my E-mails or why you couldn't own up to planning on keeping the deposit right there, which you obviously did. I did explain I wasn't going to get in a "shouting match" in public, in broad daylight over it and I did give you plenty of time to respond.
Now after all this, you'll probably keep my money, bad mouth me ( it IS your right BTW) and go on selling parts to whomever. My only hope is that those reaing this learn something & take this whole incident, as I did, as a lesson.
Obviously I do need a lesson in "car buying 101" and $1,200 bucks perhaps doesn't buy much of a car in Northern Caif. but when I see 1/4 panels, trunk floor, & roof needing replacing I don't look at it as a $1,200 car. The respondents to this thread obviously feel I'm the bad guy here & I can't change that, nor will I try. As I said this was all a great learning experience.

It's all about you...

Guess I was right!

hemicop... you just don't get it. You commit to buying the car and then don't want it. Isn't any he said/she said about it. That's a fact you can't deny or deflect. Try to find any justification you want to make yourself feel better or sway the masses. Fairly commonplace reaction for people in professions when they screw up.

You got pictures of everything and say the 1/4's need replacing because, since this is all about you, YOU couldn't see that or better yet your body guy couldn't. Come on now. I didn't think that car needed either 1/4's or a roof, could use a trunk pan due to the scaley rust.

Even though it wasn't what YOU wanted, IMHO, you should have taken it. Parted or sold what you could to recoup some of your considerable expenses incurred and called it a day.

BTW, I told a friend that wanted the car, when I heard that this car was sold to you, you'd bail. cha ching... where's my 2 dollars???

Still got that bellhousing?