Eye have a tip to share

Wassup guys,

I know i am only 16 and you guys have forgotten more then i know but here is a serious tip i think i should bring into the spot light. WEAR GOGGLES NOT SAFETY GLASSES! Monday night i was cutting a rust patch out underneath the rocker of my car and the rear tire wouldnt let me get a good angle on the little 2 inch by 2 inch square. So in my wisdom i go the other way so my cut off wheel can get to it and the sparks were landing on my face. I felt the sparks hit my face but i had SAFETY GLASSES on so i thought no big deal. When i woke up the next morning i was in serious eye pain. My left eye was blood shot and i could hardly open it. I went to school that day not being able to read or see out of my left eye. So today my Dad (thank god) took me to the eye doctor to see whats up and i had a big chunk of metal on my cornea. They Dialated me, numbed my eye and plucked it off with this needle looking thing. I got back to my house today at 11:00 o clock and fell asleep from my dialated eyes untill 4:00. My vision wasnt affected but i may have a little scar on my eye because i didnt go in to the doc for a couple days (because i am such a hard a$$ 16 year old, sheesh :angry7:) and it kinda set in my eye with a little rust ring or something he said. So all in all WEAR GOGGLES NOT SAFETY GLASSES because the sparks got in between the crack and dont shrug off the pain for a couple days go to the eye doctor ASAP. Well thats it i am sure you guys have been through this and probably worse but i thought i would reemphasize proper safety precautions and equipment.
MOPAR 4 LIFE! :cheers:
