Eye have a tip to share

Yep, when I was learning to stick weld I lifted up my helmet just as the slag popped and went right in my left eye. Since it was hot it melted into my eyeball. Had to have my eyeball softened at the hospital with some blue dye stuff that made everything blue for a day or two. The aggravation from the scratching before I had it removed was very painful and gave me the biggest headache I ever had. Plus, it happened at work and someone drove me to the hospital in my car. Well, they all left and I had to try and drive with a patch on one eye. Two minutes of driving on the shoulder made me take off the patch till I got home. From then on I was a big fan of eye safety, you only have one set of them!! Glad to hear everything is o.k. take care of them eyes so you can keep working on that car!!