Hello from Oil Country

Thanks, all, for the welcome. Thanks, also, for the 440 source. It looks like they have already scrounged the boneyards before me and have what I need. Thanks also for the anti-sway bar advice. I want the car to handle like a modern vehicle. I will likely have a million questions to pose in the proper forum categories as I progress. I have already discovered a wealth of information on FAMO.

I still have my first car, a '68 GTX, which I bought in 1973, and which is sorely in need of restoration. I also have a '67 New Yorker that I want to build for roadtrips over the Interstate highways. However, the Barracuda will be the first on my plate.

I would love to blow a sheetmetal airfoil off the trunk lid of one of those "tuner" rice-burners.