Parts Store Inexperience

I went to Checker to get a 90 amp Bosch alt tested off of a '89 Ramcharger that I got from Memike. The kid insisted that it was internally regulated. I let him know that if that was the case, it wouldn't have two field terminals. I got blank stare in return. Then he said that "but that's what the computer says".

I told him that computers are only as good as the input and, "let's just try something different and test it as externally regulated". He wouldn't have it so I walked out and drove to next Checker. I went through the same thing with him, but the difference being that the kid said "Cool! let's try it!" We fired up the machine with the code for an externally regulated Bosch we found on the computer and low and behold, it passed with flying colors (14.8 volts). The kid was genuinely thankful and said "Wow! Learn something new everyday."

I guess my point is to try to teach the youngsters without sounding too preachy and some will listen and be appreciative. It tries my patience on most of them, but it just may be worth your time.

BTW, I always go to the preceeding Checker now and the kid goes way out of his way to make sure I get what I need. I also wrote a letter to Checker in regards to his efforts. He may just become the manager.

Just a thought. :)