Long weekend Birthday Party

Damn Rob, if I knew you were going to have a birthday today, I'd have saved you a few beers and a couple of bowls of the moose meat chili! Happy B-day dude. Maybe just stop up for the party next year, and we can BS - I mean, have a meaningful conversation - about Mopars. :toothy10:

Mooooooooooooose meet chili !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! YIKES!!!!!!! WOW! I neve would have come up with that idea. But then again, New York is void of moose.

Ahh, what the hell, I'll try it! I did a map quest of your area. That may take a bit to drive, a flight may be cheaper. Which aint a bad thing. I get to rent a car. He he he.

Don't worry about beer. I barley drink it. Happy B day right back atcha.