Coolant in the oil - AGAIN!

When installing intake gaskets I always make sure heads and intake are "VERY CLEAN" I smear a real thin coat of RED silicone on the head area and install the gaskets,then I build up the ends with RTV silicone only no gaskets and let that set about 10 to 15 minutes.Then I smear a thin coat of "RED" silicone on the intake and set it down on the engine and start all the bolts.
I snug the bolts down just enough to seat the intake and then I let it set another 10 to 15 minutes.Then I torque the intake down tight.KNOCK ON WOOD by using this method I have never had a problem.But I also "ALWAYS" use FELPRO blue GASKETS and this has worked for many many years on all my engines,chevy,mopar etc. I have had people say silicone is a gasket and if you use it don't use gaskets there is no need! I have had people tell me by using that method it will leak!.All I can say is it has worked well for me for years and I continue to do it that way. I don't like fixing what ain't broke!