This Ebayer Is Really Smoking The Good Crack!!

i hate the people that are payin rediculous prices for parts like this cuz there drivin up the prices for us other people that cant spend that much on parts

I don't see how the average joe can afford to be into mopars anymore, I know that's the boat I'm in. With the prices of food, gas and everything else thru the roof it's hard enough to pay the bills much less pay $2k for a shell of a car and then it'll take 20 years to restore it. It's either work to live and have no fun or die for some of us anymore.

I just wonder what the hobby is going to be like when all us guys at the bottom are gone.... are these cars worth anything when only a few can afford them?

/end rant. I know prices still aren't bad compared to a new SUV or something but not all of us can throw down $20k or 30k on an old mopar. I miss the old days.....wait am I getting old?! :D