Pissed off Dude!

i won't lie, I have stopped traffic to confront some Dumb *** people.....and they got the message let me tell you.

I hate it when your driving and you enter a upgraded speed zone and some dumb *** is too busy hitting the Glass Meth Pipe to realize everyone else has sped up from 30 to 45 and everyone else is flying by but I get stuck behind the Meth Head.

This guy is out there....in the sense he thinks everyone else doesn't have these kind of problems too...and he needs to vent to the internet.

Another thing that ticks me off is Automated answering systems that MAKE ME PUSH #1 to hear their recording in ENGLISH....WTF?

If mexicans want to live in America, they should assimilate and LEARN ENGLISH....its not my problem they jumped the fence and never learned to speak the American Language.

By the way, This thread is a stupid waste of time.

Have you ever been to Europe?