Any Rush fans??

Sorry, couldn't resist someone threw this on Utube from last night in Vanc, Pearts solo Der Slegwerker, to bad the pic quality sucks though.

Neil went to Lakeport High here in St Catharines.I played senior football with his brother Dan.

Neil was admired by all. Not just because he played in the high school band. He was intelligent, fun to be around, and always had a following of people who looked up to him. He did not seek attention, it happened naturally. From what I remember, he prefered be alone with his girlfriend, and not being part of any big crowds. Looks like he got over that!

His hands and feet never stopped. he could not walk by the hallway lockers without banging and clanging them with pencils, rulers...whatever he had in his hands at the time. In the cafeteria he couldn't keep his cutlery still. His hand and feet never stopped.

Lakeside Park was at the end of Lakeport Road, just down from the high school. If Neil wasn't at school, he was at the park. I won't tell you what he did there...but he got a lot of his inspiration there. Hence the song...

We feel the RUSHHHHH when they're in town!
