Any Rush fans??

"I will boycott anything to do with the Rock & Roll Hall of Shame. Simply stated most bands wish they knew what RUSH forgot about being musicians!!!

If your not an over-compressed, drum-machine backed, ghetto-dressed wanna be thug, your not a musician. Rush being acknowledged for being musicians? C`mon.... next thing your gonna say is that the Grammy's are a hoax too.

Being a musician for over 35yrs. (yeah, I'm old....) all I can say is if it's commercially "successful" then it must suck, talent-wise. The day Rush get's inducted into the R&R hall of fame is the day they run out of bellybutton screachers and crotch-grabbing primates....

But man-o-man... watching Geddy hammer notes on his Bass with his left hand, use his right hand for keyboards, his feet for Bass pedals, and sing at the same time? Yeah, Madonna does that all the time... :thebirdm: