ospho and rust encapsulator

i have been using ospho ( green liquid like water) and i think its pretty good 4 rust removal if u can soak the part . there are a few places on the car that i sand blasted and applied the ospho over a year ago that have still not rusted. i was wondering what u guys think about painting over it with the eastwwod rust encapsulator? it says to test 4 compatability. i took a small piece of sheet metal, sand blasted it, wiped it with laquer thinner, applied the ospho and let it dry overnight. i did not get the funky white buildup and it looked good with that grayish color. i then wiped it again with laquer thinner after it was dry over night and applied a single coat of the rust encapsulator. i checked it the next morning and found that it did not lift and looked good but when i scraped on it with a small screwdriver it came off fairly easy. is this because i applied only one coat? i am accustomed to using por-15 which dries hard as a rock. . i am trying to move towards using the rust encapsulator over por-15 because i though it might be easier since u can spray it without special thinners. if i cant use the ospho to prep the metal i guess i have to order the eastwood fast etch. i only bought the ospho because they have it in the local stores and i figured if i ran out i could just go get more instead of having to wait 4 the mail. thanx. tim