MeMike Car Balance $$$$

I am also amazed. Happening live! Almost unreal. I just know that all will be blessed. I am sure MeMike will see that a blessing will come to all somehow!
That is how he is , he has that gift. Absolutly 100%.
I am soooo happy for him, all this is very heart warming.

Work day over. been good one. Have had this on my mind all day and stopped in to post bal@ pay pal then would shake my head in awe and joy.

This is the real deal people coming together. Anyway thanks for the additional.


Guys me and the wife just cant believe all of this , ive hardly ever seen anything like this in front of my face let alone on a website...i wish everybody could hear about the selflessness of the folks on this site in hopes that maybe somewhere someone will learn and lead by example elsewhere . You hear allot of negative stuff about the USA these days ...Glad im experiencing something so positive this time. Ive already donated 50.00 ..the wife said we are good for another 25.00 .Sending it now. .