MeMike Car Balance $$$$

Im sure Im not the only one who feels a little redemption in Humanity from this. It seems all you ever hear about is what horrible things people are doing. Its so refreshing to see this and also be a part of it! This is great, I have always thought it would be cool to do this for someone who really desrved it. Seems it happened to the right guy.

Amen, Brother.
memike, you realize this carries some responsibilities. Your little Valiant is now family. She needs to be passed on to future Slaters for as long as she will last. :love7:
Now, have a good time going after YOUR little Valiant and get her home in one piece. Told you it would happen, didn't I? Sorry we screwed up you and Treva's getaway trip. :downtown: Hope it was worth it. :burnout: