Rich Carb

forget initial 8 degrees btdc is way off .forget initial altogether .try setting total at 35 with full advance coming in by 2000 to 2500 rpm.if ya dont need the vaccum just leave the carb vac. line plugged,if you do need vac advance set total as mentioned above, dont just set it at this number check with a person watching the tach and with an adjustable timing light set at 35 degrees and give it some fuel, rev it past 4000 rpm and watch if it passes 35 degrees,use the dial to bring it to tdc and record the rpm and advance required to hit tdc at 35 degrees that will tell you when full advance is coming in.over 2500 rpm scrap the distributor unless its an msd.jegs sells the M.P. kit with built in fast advance curve normally all in by 2000 to 2500.the orange box or chrome will suffice depending on your engine rpm that this is done properly reattach the vacuum line and recheck the timing. you should now have 53 degrees total, if not insert a small hexkey into the vaccum pot and every half turn will advance the spark timing or retard it, play around with it til you have 53 degrees with full advance in by 2000 to 2500 ,your plugs look lean to me and your timings way offbase.hope this helps