Little Johnny returns

Holidays were now over for the summer and it was the first day of class. As every year before the teacher had asked her students to draw something on the blackboard that was exciting over the holidays.

Bobby's name was called first and he drew a bicycle with a bell and steamers coming from the handle bars.
The teacher asked Bobby what was exciting about this. Bobby said it was his birthday and got a new bike.
The teacher said indeed Bobby, that's exciting!

Next Mary was call up. Mary drew a little house with flowers.
The teacher asked; what's exciting about this Mary? Mary said her mom & dad just bought a new house down the road during the holidays.
The teacher said indeed Mary, that's exciting!

After all the class had finished and gone up front the teacher lastly called Little Johnny.
Little Johnny quickly approached the blackboard, picked up the chalk and drew a dot on the board.
The teacher looked at the dot, then Johnny and asked; what's exciting about that Johnny?
Little Johnny said...
Teacher, that's a period! My sister missed two and my parents are very excited!! :toothy10: