Ungreatful little $h*#

I was looking on youtube the other day, just looking around & found a video of my hometown. The title was in referance to the army ammunition plant here. I clicked on it thinking it would be a video about how much someone appreciated the folks of McAAP, producer of all heavy ordinance for the armed services. Instead it was a hate video. This guy was calling the people of my home town everything from baby killers to antichrists. I was absolutely outraged. He says the "the people of McAlester are the reason for the wars in the world" WTF? You get the picture, right? So I did what any red-blooded american would do, send him a reply letting him know I was outraged. He sends me one back saying "that is is his right & he can say anything he wants". He goes on to say that the wars of the last 50 yrs. were all UNCALLED FOR! & That McAAP was largely responsible for the US being involved, due to the fact that we produce(d) all heavy ordinance (bombs). How the hell does he think he got that right? Or any other right that all americans have? With people like this floating around, I weep for the future, I truely do.

Sorry for the rant, Im sure some of you guys on here are vets & thought you would like to know about it.