69 Six Pack runner

I've owned this car for 10 years....waiting to restore it. I had hoped I could restore it while I still owned my Challenger and show them both side by side. Imagine, a B5 Six Pack Challenger 4 speed and a B5 Six Pack road runner 4 speed!

But that didn't happen. I suffered an on the job injury and was off work for 2 1/2 years. During that time, my mom passed away. And since I was living with her in the "old family home", this was a problem.....once my brother and sisters decided they wanted to sell the house. That was going to leave me with no place to live.

So the house was sold, and it cost me $1500 a month to stay there till I could get out. I bought my 2 acres, moved my stuff into 6 storage units, and lived in a 16' trailer for 9 months while waiting to put up my building. That's when I sold the Challenger. It paid for the building. Since then (I bought the property in 03) I've managed to work for a total of about 3 1/2 years. I haven't worked since last October.

What I've been trying to do is just build cars. But without having the money to invest in the shop it's been tough. I got my two lifts last October when I got my "one big" piece of mineral lease money. That hasn't paid worth a tinker's darn either.

Anyway, I've tried to push forward. I need the Sedan done to "advertise", which is why I've been buying lots of parts trying to get set to knock it out. I donated to memike cause his story yanked at my cold heart. I bid in the auction for the same reason, cause in his and David's case, I may be broke, but they are broken.

There is more to this story, but I think you get the idea. The bird has to go to make some bad things that have cropped up go away. It will also finish the Sedan (that's the "silver lining")

If you care, you can see some of what's gone on in my saga of "living in a big metal box" by going here: