Captainkirk's Duster project

Capn, when I did mine I wanted a rotisserie but didnt want to drop to money on a 1 time use or store it after for years. What I did was built tall stands the car is bolted to and can roll around. It lifted it about 2 feet into the air and I could roll it out into the fresh air. I then bought a pressure blasted and it made short order of all the undercoating, grease, rust, grime. If your going to be in or around the Detroit area anytime you can have these stands


Thanks for the offer Ron! I, like you, don't want the expense (or storage afterwards!) of a rotisserie, plus I have the added disadvantage of having my driveway comprised of white rocks instead of concrete. Makes for rolling a rotisserie or small casters past the garage apron damn near impossible. I guess I'll just continue to ponder a solution and ***** until I find one (for now!)