69 Six Pack runner

One thing I said "HAD to happen" after I got that Dart done, was Buddy had to take it to our club's annual show in April. He did. I was a judge, but not for that class, and (not that it would have mattered) no one knew I restored that car....unless Buddy told them while he was there. Anyway, it won the A Body Restored class and you could have knocked Buddy over with a feather. That was also one of MY better moments as well.

I didn't know Buddy very well, but I enjoyed doing that car and making his life a little better for a while. The flip side is I haven't done any more work for the A-hole who foot the bill for Buddy's car. He screwed me just before the car was finished. But I rose above and finished the car, cause "I" couldn't have slept nights knowing it wasn't finished.