Rocky Mountain Dashes

Just courious - I've never purchased one of their dashes - but how hard could it possibly be to get the hole in the right place? It sounds to me that they (or some blindly loyal customers) are using "custom peice" as an excuse. I would think a custom piece would have NO holes drilled and you would have to locate and fit as needed. If these dashes are designed to fit into the stock location, and are actually pre-drilled for mounting screws, why would they consistently be off? I know some will say manufacturing variences, but that is not a good excuse because you can take a stock dash from virtually any car and swap it with another and the screw holes line up - there can't be too big of a varience in mounting points if that's the case. The only reason it's "custom" is because of the various layouts and individual gagues that you can use. Otherwise the piece itself should pretty much fit without any issues.

Am I wrong in my thinking? Am I missing something?