Captainkirk's Duster project

LOL! It kinda looks like Duke in the last scene, where he's all shot to bits! I'm hoping to bring it back to the condition of John in, say, "Red River". That'll be quite an accomplishment!
You envy my progress? I took a perfectly good car all apart and spread it all over my garage! Sometimes I make myself wonder......:wack:
I prefer "The Searchers" myself lol . . . Tear apart our cars and scatter pieces around the garage sounds like a plan . . . . could ya detail that a bit for me?? lol :scratch: Well we'll die havin fun . . . when I die they'll have to pry my cold, greasy fingers off my ratchet wrench :thumbrig:. . . .Well I gotta go up to Kroger's and get me a couple of boxes of ziplock bags . . . hope they have some cardboard too . . . . . Rog