Fun Friday FABO Contest



Orig Stealth Mod
Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento Area, CA
The first to guess exactly what this Mopar tool is for gets a small (and I mean small) prize via USPS. Thought this would be fun to do on Fridays - in case anyone else wants to join in.

So again, step right up. Be the first to guess what Mopar purpose it served and the tools name (well at least what part it comes in contact with) and win a prize.

Disclaimer: Sorry redfastback. You will not be eligible to play since I told you what it was last night. The salad bar from last night will have to suffice. ;-)

It's a freaken "Wind direction" thing umm a jig!!

I can..I can, I can see the birds head!! Hee-he :bootysha:
I used one of those many years ago........I have always denied this story when asked but, It is used to level your ride with the rear air shocks when you have a really heavy chick in the car. You just pull up to an air station shove that sucker under the sagging side and increase the air pressure till both sides are even. Like I said though, I only used it once:)
I think it's the tool used to hold the frt brakes on when doing an alignment. Wait, I see a bubble level . Hmm some sort of Caster tool.
run out gauge used to detect bent wheel or axle ?

My best guess. It's older than me.
looks like it may be a cutting or forming tool ..but i dont know for what, that lower wheel an adjustment for the depth or offset ? wheel looks like a cutting wheel .... probably way off but this is fun... do we get two guesses ?? how about an old truing guage for wire spoke wheels? I am going with the spoke wheel truing guage....
I jumped straight to the bottom of the thread.:-k and say its a valve installer.
and torque at the right level tool!!!!!!!!

Know I will go read the post's.:-D