The best you tube video ever!!!

I'm with you Hog - I graduated in '77. I still have photos of alot of these guys I took at Seattle Intl back in the day, and quite a few from Gainesville (Gatornats) after moving down here. It's still a blast 30 years later, but there was a different feel to it back then. I miss it - I was plenty happy and stayed plenty entertained without cell phones, cable T.V., video games, internet or personal computer. Your escape back then wasn't your Playstation - it was events like these - it was almost always outdoor activities - no sittin' on your @$$ all weekend with a stack of DVD's. I'm off track - this is a great video and I'm going to look for more by this guy (while I sit on my @$$, in front of my computer). Maybe it's just me, but I don't think so..........