Marines Please?

The Marines are a great bunch of people. I used to work with a fellow that was a member of an organization called THE FORMER MARINE CORP ASSOCIATION! He invited me to a meeting one time because he knew I was a History buff of sorts of the U. S. Marine Corps and Military Snipers. I attended the meeting and happened to meet a fellow named Carlos Hathcock and Craig Roberts both members of the Former Marine Corps Association and speakers. Man did they have some stories to tell.
Both were Marines in Vietnam,both were Snipers,and now both were Authors.If you want to read some true HAIR RAISING STORIES! Get the book by Carlos Hathcock 93 confirmed one shot kills and Many books by Craig Roberts,The Walking Dead, Marine Corp Medic. And others These books are true accounts of these individuals and things they went through. It is one thing to see War movies and read tales of wars but when you read true stories it will make your hair stand on end. Also here is a link to Craig Roberts web site, Gunnery Seargent Carlos Hathcock passed away a few years back. By the way the saying is correct and true "Once A Marine always a Marine" and there are no such things as "EX MARINES"! But there are "FORMER MARINES". SEMPER FI and GOD BLESS ALL MILITARY PERSONS OF THE USA THAT ARE NOW SERVING AND THAT HAVE SERVED TO KEEP US ALL FREE!