My 1970 dart swinger restoration

Well there is some progress on the car although,I am not sure of how it is going to turn out.The guy who is painting it thinks that to get it right i will have to get new fenders,doors,and quarters and spend 10000 dollars.I think he is crazy,I had 4 painters look at it( All who did not have the time to commit to it ),and all told me that for 3000 dollars they could get it pretty straight.The front fenders on my car are fiberglass and the doors and quarters do not have a hole in them.IS 3000 dollars a reasonable price for this car?????Then,after the first painter painted the car and it was f@#ked up,the owner of the shop and myself went over the car and used a paint marker to mark the areas that could use more work,as the car was being stripped anyway,this new painter asks me ARE YOU THE GUY WHO WENT AROUND THE CAR WITH A MARKER!There was a dent in the front valance about 3 inches in diameter,I said yes I am the one who put the paint marker around the dent with an arrow pointing at it that said DENT.The guy then says "Your some fussy are'nt ya"."You had to get down on your hands and knees to see that."Am I crazy or what,would anybody not want that fixed or be puzzled as to why it was not done the first time.Now the owner tells me this new painter does not work well when customers are around and to come back when he is done working on it for the day?????TO make everything worse I noticed a hole in my dashpad.It was a perfect original piece,I do not know what to do,should they replace it???? If your reading this what would you do.Through all of this I have not flipped out,but I do not know how much more I can take.Anyway it feels better to get it off my chest to some people who know what it is like to put so much into something.I have also added some pics of the car in it's current state.

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