High Volume Oil Pump?

It is best to have a high volume pan for more capacity so the oil will run a little cooler and windage will be eliminated but I know quite a few fellows that are running stock pans (including me) with the hv pump and are not having problems. Here while back I was out on a destitute hwy. and had a nice open area to see what speed it redlined at in 3rd and it took about 3/8 mile to reach it which was 120 mph and I watched the oil pressure gauge closely and it never dropped any or indicated that it was running low on oil. But I did use a die grinder to clean up the oil drainback holes to promote quicker drainback. Awhile back I read an article from back in the late 60's where Mopar experimented with this very subject and found the stock pickup so restrictive that it never pumped more oil than the pan would hold. In other words it allways drained back fast enough. I imagine just like any other test there are factors that can affect this somewhat and possibly big blocks are worse, don't know much about them.