Mopar Nats Saturday 5-14-05

Beautiful day mid 70's and sunny.
I Had a great time. Met up with Mike(Mikesduster) and met his father. Second time seeing Mike. Mike and his father are great people.

Ok here we go. First run off the light the motor broke up. Found a loose wire and cleaned the baterry posts. Problem gone.

Second Run I left at 2800 no tire spin cut a .043 light and ran a new best
60' 1.896 and a new best 1/4 13.007 @ 104.02

Third run I ran a I left @ 1800 bad light .352 and spun the tires pretty good 13.575 @ 102.86.

Fourth run 1st elimination I dialed in @12.95 instead of 13.05 I was determined to get into the 12's. I also put the 6700 chip into the MSD 6al.
Left @ 3000 .262 light and shifted @ 6400 ran a 13.016 @ 105.34. I lost by .0543.

All in all I had fun. My friends had fun busting my chops and it was a
beautiful day.
Next time out I'm gonna play with the timing a little.
I'm also starting to wonder if I got all the head work I paid for