Little prick turfed my yard last night.

Years ago when I lived on a sand road, some snot-nosed little punk liked to dirt track all thru the neighborhood, endangering all the kids and tearing up the roads that we tried to keep smooth. I ran him down one day and reminded him that there are thousand of acres of a National Forest just 1/2 mile away that he could go rally driving on an nobody cares how torn up the roads are. Got the usual punk FU so I asked him how he would feel if somebody drove the same way on HIS road? He said that he did not give a s*%t and drove off in a shower of sand.
The next day his dad asked me why I tore up the road in front of his house so I told him what his kid did and said. I pointed to the punks marks in the road..... 20 minutes later he came back with the punk and a shovel and we both watched him do a makeover on my road. Then he had to go fill in the ruts that I left.
............ and I left some huge ruts -only across the entrance to their driveway so the neighbors did not have to deal with them. AND I made the ruts by locking the trailer brakes on the semi and keeping my foot in the turbo. They were 28 inches wide and so deep that the axles were dragging on the road. He had a bunch of shoveling to do and never ever drove like a fool around my house.

As far as paint stripper goes, use a kids Mega Blaster squirt gun. It is quiet, cheap and disposable. For added impact, mix in some battery acid and brake with the stripper!! Don't ask me how I know.