Im getting tired of waiting!

Well, its official. I have put the Duster on stanby for now. I have it siting out in the shop all torn down, motor/tranny ready to be pulled & now all I can do is sit and look at it. Im broke as hell, well not broke broke just too broke to be spending money on it. Its been a bad year money wise. First off a storm took off half of our roof in may, then the wife decides to back her trailblazer into a light pole & just last week our central A/C decides to piss its pants. Have any of you guys priced a complete new A/C unit! Christ! My unit is so old (1985) that the entire thing will have to be replaced. Inside & out. The guy that came by & looked at it said "By the time its all said & done your looking at 5K not including the carpenter work inside the house" So I asked him how much to rebuild the old one? You can still get parts for it right? 750 bucks later we have A/C again. Thats a heel of a lot better than 5K plus... At this point I dont even have the money to buy a cherry picker & an engine stand. Uggh. I told myself when I got the car it wasnt going to ba an overnight succes & I was going to have to be patient. All the old guys around here that have restored cars say it took the 7 years to finish or it took 5 years... so on & so on....

How long did it take you guys to get your cars the way they are now??

How about this for long? we got my car when I was 14, 5 years ago and I just started working on it, it's been sitting the whole time. By the time my car is done it'll be like 10 years since buying it