Little prick turfed my yard last night.

I was sitting in the couch watching a movie with the Wife and kids last night.

It had just rained and I had the windows open to let the wind blow in the house when my Wife got up just as some little punk in a lowered, fart pipe equipped rice burner did a U-turn in the middle of my wet lawn and turfed the hell out of the grass.

My first reaction was to grab my keys, jump in my tuck and chase him down, but my Wife grabbed my arm and damn near ripped the sking off of it with her nails holding me back.

She knows about my temper and told me that she did not want me to go to jail because she knows what I'm capable of.

She's right because the only scenario going through my head was running him down, two cars piled up in someone elses yard and me drilling this punks face into a bloddy pile of mush into a nice, wet mud puddle.

So I stood down and swallowed my pride, but I really wanted to get that little jack azz.

I know the car and the driver so I'm thinking of revenge as we speak.
I remember those being called "lawn jobs"... i would make a report but dont expect the cops to do anything about it..