Gay Pride Or Bust!

Joyce & I took the '71 Swinger out for a spin on Saturday up in SF and on the way back we stopped at Ocean Beach (like we always do). Parked in front of us was the back side of a SUV and written on the rear tinted glass was. "GAY PRIDE OR BUST?" to which I turned to Joyce and said, "Well, if I had to choose (and I am sure that the two people that just got out of the SUV would agree), I'm going to have to go with a BUST" to which she replied, "Well, I'm not so sure that the two guys that just got of the SUV would agree with you." I turned back to her laughing and said, "That wasn't two guys." She just replied, "Eeeeewwwww!" ;-)

The bumper sticker on the back was also quite funny. It read: I'm Only Speeding 'Cause I Really Have to Poop!


